

Patent application from EU funding

Patent application from EU funding

Patent application from EU funding entitled
"Method and measuring system for the identification of gases"
with the funding number: V220-630.8-TFMV-0-E334 from EFRE-Funding

Content: Method for residual moisture compensation for ion mobility spectrometers
Status 2019.8: Patent granted in Europe (EP 3106867) and USA (US 9753012 B2).

Patent application from EU funding entitled
"Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Detektion gasförmiger Schadstoffe"
with the funding number: TBI-V-3-013 from EFRE-Funding

Content: Method for detection of toxic compounds by combination of optical and ion analysis
Status 2020.2: Patent application published in Europe (EP 3457125 A1).